About Us
Wasteaware is an independent not for profit organisation with the primary goal to develop and share innovative approaches to waste and resources management
The waste and resources management (WaRM) sector is transforming. Media focus on the issues surrounding ‘waste’ has sharpened considerably over the last years. Finally, it seems that the world has woken upto the fact that increasing rates of waste generation are a serious concern, and lack of waste collection and management have consequences on a global scale.
Wasteaware helps people to better understand the causes and symptoms of ‘waste’. We have worked quietly behind the scenes for many years in policy advocacy, programme financing and development and dissemination of methods and tools.
What we do
Wasteaware Ltd is a not for profit ‘company limited by guarantee’ based in the UK and working throughout the world, focusing on:
- Policy advocacy
- Methodologies and tools
- Knowledge and skills transfer
- Publications
Recent initiatives include (click titles to learn more):
We have worked closely with UN Habitat, and together with Eawag and the University of Leeds, to develop and field trial the SDG 11.6.1 methodology (the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT)). The SDG 11.6.1 looks at municipal solid waste management in cities. We believe that 11.6.1 is the central indicator for collection of primary data that can populate and inform other waste-related SDG indicators.
Read more on our “Resources” page
Our work on SDG 11.6.1 in 2019 was synergised with a project implemented together with GIZ, University of Leeds and Eawag to develop a Waste Flow Diagram (WFD). The WFD is an expert assessment tool that layers field observations on top of SDG 11.6.1 data to estimate the emissions and fates of plastics waste into the natural environment.
Read more on our “Resources” page
It gets better! The SDG 11.6.1 (a.k.a. the Waste Wise Cities Tool), and the WFD synergise with the Wasteaware ISWM Benchmark Indicators (WABIs). The WABIs provide a diagnostic of the physical and governance indicators in a waste management system.
Read more on our “Resources” page
Solid waste management (SWM) is an essential utility service. More than two to three billion people worldwide still lack basic services, whereas some countries are already moving beyond SWM towards waste and resource management (WaRM) and a circular economy.
The nine development bands (9DBs) is a conceptual framework and global theory of waste and development authored by Wasteaware founder Andrew Whiteman. The 9DBs enables cities and countries to locate their current developmental situation, understand key pressure points for improving their WaRM systems.
Read more on our 9DBs page

Conducting research and developing tools that inform decisions for a better tomorrow.
Our Network
Wasteaware is a founder member of the Resources & Waste Advisory Group (RWA Group). Our involvement in RWA keeps us on the front line of development practice in an advisory and consulting capacity, and means we can draw on the professional capacity of a network of friends working in partner environmental organisations
For more information visit rwagroup.net
As part of our focus on disseminating methodologies, tools and knowledge sharing, Wasteaware have initiated and are supporting the development of RWM Global, the global portal for resource and waste management tools and applications.
For more information visit rwm.global
The PREVENT Waste Alliance serves as a platform for organisations from the private sector, academia, civil society and public institutions to jointly engage for a circular economy. It’s members work together for waste prevention, collection, and recycling as well as the increased uptake of secondary resources in low- and middle-income countries.
For more information visit prevent-waste.net